Business > Speaking
Personal Excellence
Success in business is a function of how we manage our minds. This program explores the thinking, attitudes, images, and feelings that generate success. and highlights the five building blocks that are fundamental to our personal excellence.
Teamwork - Why Teams Win
The program explores why and how organizations succeed and teams win. Nine key qualities of winning teams are defined and described. The list includes; leadership, strategy, commitment, chemistry, and identity. The program can include interactive exercises designed to clarify and enhance vision, commitment, communication, and identity.
This powerful program explores winning leadership in business and sport. It presents Dr. Miller’s Ten Commandments for Effective Leadership and specific directives to increase personal power and influence. These apply to leading both from the top down and from within.
Performing Under Pressure-Mastering Stress and Change
This interactive program distills the essence of Dr. Miller’s work with elite performers in business, sport, health care, and the arts. We are all performers and many of the same techniques he has used to help CEOs, PGA golfers, World Series pitchers, NFL quarterbacks, and symphony orchestra musicians apply to us all.
The program explores three key performance areas:
Power–Two primal human emotions that have a profound effect on performance are love and fear. Love is empowering and expansive. It is an attractive force that generates and supports creativity and well-being. Fear and anxiety are contractive, often limiting, and stress-inducing. The love-fear dimension is at play in everything from pitching baseballs to pitching concepts, closing a sale, or directing a management meeting. The program provides specific instruction in powering up to embrace the challenge.
Focus–The discussion of focus instructs how to direct and channel our productive energy by developing and using power thinking and positive self-talk to support the realization of goals. Focus also includes the use of high-performance imagery. Four types of imagery are presented with illustrative examples and anecdotes.
Attitude–Attitude is a matter of choice. The workshop explores several facets of a “winning” or high-performance attitude including commitment, confidence, and identity. It coaches a commitment to excellence and outlines the cornerstones of confidence. Our self-image reflects who we are and determines how others relate to us. The program outlines ways to strengthen a high-performance self-image.
The program is interactive with considerable practical takeaway for participants in regard to each of the three performance areas. Participants will:
learn techniques for generating more personal power while reducing anxiety and fear,
be more response-able in focusing their creative energies,
be better able to use power thinking and high-performance imagery,
commit more effectively (by “using” the situation rather than letting it “use” them),
increase confidence and strengthen self-image.
All of the above directly affect performance and reduce vulnerability to stress. They have been pressure-tested by Dr. Miller in over three decades of working with the world’s top performers.
Selling Tough
The program explores the mindset and attitudes that nurture success. Nine keys to success in a highly competitive sales environment are defined and discussed.
Each of Dr. Miller’s programs is individually researched and tailored to the specific needs and interests of the client. Programs are designed to motivate, inform, and entertain… and ultimately to enhance productivity, success, and well-being.